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'What if God wants me to be a priest?'

May 1, 2013

By Deacon Scott Belina
Contributing Writer
In August of 2007 - six long years ago! - I entered St. Charles Borromeo seminary in Philadelphia. Having graduated from Clarkson University that same summer, I was embarking on a brand new journey, meeting many new people, and beginning a very new relationship with Jesus Christ.

During the first couple of weeks at the seminary, I distinctly remember a conversation with one of my classmates during an ice-cream social. As we were relating our stories to one another, I said to him, "I just can't believe I'm actually here. It's so surreal." He said that he felt the same. At that point, what was surreal was the thought that God might actually be calling me to be a priest.

As I arrived at the seminary and adjusted to the schedule, I was full of zeal, yet somewhat uncertain (actually, before I entered the seminary, I had to be convinced that I didn't need the certainty I desired—I just needed faith).

The idea of being a priest at that time was still very idyllic in my mind. Even though I had willingly engaged this discernment, I had no idea of all the learning and formation that would ensue as a result of placing my faith in Jesus in this way.

I cannot begin to explain all that has happened in my relationship with God over the last six years. What I can explain, however, is that it has been the work of God in my life.

The call from God for me to give him my life in this way developed over time. It began as a few thoughts early on in my life (which I admittedly hastily dismissed), later became the question, "What if God wants me to be a priest?", and over a few years in college slowly became a pull toward the seminary.

Eventually, I made the decision to give it a shot, and as I say to everyone to whom I tell this story, to be very honest, each year has been better than the last. The seminary, full of its own challenges, has given me ample opportunity to grow and respond to God's grace. I hope I've been responding these past six years!

As a priest, I look forward to celebrating the Mass, celebrating the Sacrament of Penance, and being available to the people to whom God will send me.

I also look forward to being part of a presbyterate whom I respect and admire, to collaborate and contribute to the continued growth and flourishing of the Church of Ogdensburg. I am very hopeful, and eager to learn.
As for the question of the number of vocations in recent years and in the future, I am confident that the Holy Spirit has not fallen asleep. While concern for the number of priests is healthy, God ceaselessly calls men to give their lives to him as priests.

There are more men in our diocese who are being called to the priesthood, and so the question is one of courage, trust and ultimately, one of faith.

Stepping away from the side of the boat was not easy for Peter (Mt. 14:22-33). Yet, at Jesus' word, "Come," he went. He faltered, but Jesus lifted him up.

Often the fear is that if we go, we'll fall, or things will become out of control. We know our own weakness. We don't get out of the boat. We want certainty that it will all go as we want it to - that we will be in control. Is that faith? Or is faith walking out onto the water where, in a quite literal way, control is no longer ours. Where also, being in any sort of control is nothing other than a "yes" to God, which places us in cooperation with his will for us.

I can honestly say that each year in the seminary has been better than the last. I hope that this continues throughout my priesthood, through the trials and joys which will come.

If there are any guys reading this who may even for a second think that God is calling them to the priesthood, do not be afraid! Pray. Listen to God. If he is calling you, he will give you everything—and I mean everything—you need.

If there are any parents reading this who think your son may have a vocation, simply ask him if he's considered it, and yep - you guessed it - pray for him! Simple encouragement and prayer, and let God do the rest. Let him know you support him.

I look forward with great anticipation to May 25. Much like during those first weeks here at St. Charles in 2007, I find it hard to believe the time has almost arrived.

I have many hopes and some fears of what it will be like, but I know that just as God has been with me especially through seminary, he has also called me through His Church for this vocation.

It will be a gift, and I only hope that I can live it worthily. Please pray that Our Lady of Perpetual Help will guide me in all my ministry.

As for details of the ordination ceremony, it will be on Saturday, May 25 at St. Mary's Cathedral in Ogdensburg. I will be vested by Father Garry Giroux, pastor of St. Patrick's Parish in Brasher Falls, and St. Lawrence Parish in North Lawrence.

Also, this year marks the 100th Anniversary of St. Anthony's in Watertown, my home parish for 21 years. I am very much looking forward to celebrating this special weekend in a particular way with my parish family.

Until then, please pray for me and my classmates as we finish our studies and prepare for ordination. God bless you!

Photo by Justin Sorensen
Deacon Scott Belina is shown during his diaconate ordination at St. Patrick's Church in Watertown in 2012. Bishop LaValley will ordain him to the priesthood May 25 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Ogdensburg.

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