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Holy Friendship

July 20, 2016

By Amanda Conklin
Contributing Writer

Over the years I’ve come to learn that a few deep, lasting, Christ-centered friendships are far more important than many shallow, secular relationships.

It has been a very hard journey as I’ve had to say goodbye to some people I had spent large chunks of my life with along the way.

Some times there doesn’t have to be a fight or particular falling out to realize that your friends don’t share your values and you aren’t moving each other any closer to heaven.holy Frienship

When I look at my core group of friends who have made it through the highs and lows, they all share something in common, they have their roots in Christ.

Friendship is a re-occurring theme in a lot of St. Augustine’s writings and one particular quote stands out to me as a simple yet profound commentary on the reality of true friendship:

“Particularly when I am worn out by the upsets of the world, I cast myself without reservation on the love of those who are especially close to me.

“I know I can safely entrust my thoughts and considerations to those who are aflame with Christian love and have become faithful friends to me.

“For I am entrusting them not to another human, but to God in Whom they dwell and by Whom they are who they are.”

We were all made to be in relationship. God himself is relationship; Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one. In today’s difficult and often upsetting world, it is so important to have fellowship.

Laughter is one thing that has always helped to relieve anxiety and ground me, and has reminded me that Christ has already triumphed and allows me to reflect on the beauty of life. That is another common thread throughout my deepest relationships; we love to laugh. It brings a sense of normalcy to life. Robert Frost once said “If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane.”

We often see portrayals of the more serious times and events in the life of Christ, but I frequently like to imagine the fellowship between Him and his closest friends, the apostles. I’m sure there were many moments of deep laughter and joy and when I am struggling, I love to think about what those moments would have looked like.

My time at Camp Guggenheim both as a camper and counselor especially showed me how laughter can ease tension, bond people together, and truly bring Christ present to the here and now.

Next time you’re feeling the heaviness of the current world atmosphere, and feel the darkness setting in, take a moment to laugh with a friend.

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