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Archives St. Martin de Porras Parish in Mollendo celebrates 50th anniversary
A Garden of Faith

Aug. 14, 2013

By Kristina Dean
Staff writer

Fifty years ago, the Diocese of Ogdensburg sent two missionaries to minister to people in Mollendo and Matarani, Peru. Fathers Paul Hagan and Roger Martin planted seeds of faith and co-founded an Apostolate which grew into St. Martin de Porras Parish.

In early June,  seven diocesan priests and St. Joseph Sister Mary Ellen Brett, director of the diocesan Mission Office, traveled to celebrate the parish’s 50th anniversary and witnessed how those seeds had grown into blossoms in a garden of faith.

From 1963 to 2003, the diocese sent missionary priests to staff the Ogdensburg Peruvian Apostolate. Ten years ago, on its 40th anniversary, the diocese turned the mission over to local priests.

The mission is currently run by parish administrator Andres Marquez.

During the June visit, Sr. Mary Ellen saw the spiritual grown in the parish.

“I could see the spirit that was begun by our priests had certainly continued,” she said. “People are still being faithful, the catechists and music ministry has grown, especially with the youth. There was a lot of sharing, giving and caring.”

Sister Mary Ellen said the parish has grown causing another room to be built. They have wisely used the donations sent by the diocese, she said.

Among the priests Who joined Sister Mary Ellen for the trip to Mollendo Was Father Daniel L. Chapin, pastor of St. Stephen’s Parish in Croghan.

He served at the Peru mission from 1976 to 1986, and travels back every two years to visit. When he left, Father Chapin told the local people that he wouldn’t call or write, but that he would be back to visit. “I’ve kept my promise to stay in touch every since,” Father Chapin said. “I can see the changes over the decades. There is a tremendously growing middle class. “In the early years there was a lot of poverty,” he said, “but the biggest changes are the growing middle class and the stable government. The country is becoming integrated into the modern world.”

As a young man, Father Chapin’s call to be a priest was centered on missionary work. One passage of scripture that especially inspired him was Matthew 28: 18-20, which says “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

As a 16-year-old, he thought about joining an order of brothers until he read an article in the North Country Catholic about Father Hagan and Father Martin traveling to Peru as missionaries. This made him decide to wait and graduate school, join the seminary at Wadhams Hall, and eventually the Peruvian Mission.

He was ordained in 1972, and after four years, as a “rookie” priest, he said, he went to Peru at 29 years of age. “That’s kind of how I kept responding to God’s call,” he said. “I consider wherever I am, I am a missionary priest.” 

Father George F. Maroun, pastor at St. James Catholic Church in Carthage, also attended the anniversary celebration. He was a missionary in Mollendo from 1982-1988 and was pastor when the parish celebrated its 25th anniversary.

He called the 50th anniversary “an emotional experience” and said parishioners showed him photos of baptisms, weddings and first communions where he was the celebrant. “It brought home the realization that 25 years have passed since I left Mollendo,” he said. “I just was very impressed with how both the spiritual and material aspects of the parish and community have developed in a positive way over the years. “As a former missionary there, and former director of our diocesan mission office, I thank the people of our diocese for their financial support of the Missionary Projects of the Diocese of Ogdensburg.” Father Maroun said. “This collection continues to provide the financial support that has helped the parish to grow and respond to the needs of their community over the past 50 years,” he said.

Father Maroun said he was impressed with how the local Peruvian pastors have improved the parish with a new parish hall on the second floor, and enhanced the medical clinic to serve the poor and needy who come to them.
During their time in Peru, the missionary priests and Sister Mary Ellen attended a celebration June 9, in which Sister Mary Ellen presented a check from the diocese.

In a reflection during the event, Father Maroun described that to be a missionary is to become one with the community, to identify with the culture, the joys and sorrows of the people.

Other diocesan priests who traveled to Peru for the anniversary were Fathers Andrew Amyot, Jay Seymour, Pat Mundy, and Doug and Bob Decker.

The Diocese of Ogdensburg offered a $5000 donation to  St. Martin de Porras Parish in Mollendo, Peru, in honor of its 50th anniversary. For the first 40 years, the parish was served by priests of the diocese, part of the Ogdensburg Peruvian Apostolate. St. Joseph Sister Mary Ellen Brett, diocesan mission director, and several priests of the diocese who served as missionaries  traveled to Peru in June for the anniversary celebration. Above, Father Jay Seymour, Father George Maroun and Sister Mary Ellen present a replica of the check to Padre Andres Marques, current parish administrator.

Father Pat Mundy leads the Corpus Christi Procession held in Mollendo while the Ogdensburg priests were visiting.


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