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Father Muench Says...

All Souls Day Mass to remember

November 10, 2021

By Father William Muench
NCC columnist

Today I would like to tell you about a very impressive All Souls Day Mass of Remembrance that I attended this week. You are aware that our Catholic Church observes All Souls Day as a day of prayer for all the faithful departed every November. Each year, All Souls Day is a day of faith and prayer as each of us remembers our departed loved ones.

The folder for this All Souls Mass I attended had a welcome on the first page from the priests of the parish, the deacons and the Bereavement Committee that read: “We share your sorrow and your hope. We know that words alone cannot ease your loss. We ask God to comfort you, to rekindle our hope in the joyous resurrection promised to us all by Jesus. May you know that we support you and pray for you. May the love of Jesus and your faith family, the gift of memories and the healing of time console and restore you.”

On the next page was the list of all those who died from the parish during the last year and those whose funerals were held at the parish.

At the beginning of this Mass, a deacon read this list slowly and reverently. Truly this was an impressive moment, especially for the various families who were present. The pastor then asked us all to take a few minutes in silent prayer to remember and offer a prayer of gratitude for our loved ones who have gone on before us. Again, a moment of impressive silence as we all prayed.

After the Scripture readings of the Mass and the homily, there followed a lighting of candles in a seven-candle menorah as each prayer was offered in the Prayer of the Faithful. I was so impressed by these various prayers, so I want to share each one with you today.

“We will now remember our loved ones who have gone before us and rest in the peace of Christ.

1st candle: We light a candle in memory of those who have handed us the gift of life… We remember mothers and fathers, grandparents and great-grandparents and all our ancestors through the ages. We remember also those who were as mother or father to us, loving us by choice.

2nd candle: We light a candle in memory of those who have shared our heredity and who have experienced our common bonds… We remember sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, relatives near and distant throughout time.

3rd candle: We light a candle in memory of those we hold dear in our hearts; those we have held lovingly in our arms and in our dreams… We remember children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who have gone before us.

4th candle: We light a candle in memory of those who brightened our days with affection and who let up our lives with devotion… We remember wives and husbands, closest friends, those who helped us love life, ourselves, and God.

5th candle: We light a candle in memory of those who have walked beside us in so many ways; who have made our lives more enjoyable and our experiences in this world more memorable… We remember friends, neighbors, and associates who lifted us and expended our horizons.

6th candle: We light a candle in memory of those who died today. As a light of their life on earth is extinguished, may the light of eternity welcome them home… May those who mourn and find darkness overwhelming at this time, be up lifted and strengthened by the light of faith.

7th candle: We leave the final candle unlit, aware that the time will come when we ourselves will pass through the barrier separating one form of life from another… May our reflection here strengthen our desire to let our own unique light shine more lightly day to day. Let us pause for a moment and pray for the strength to accept, with love and courage, the time of our own passing to eternal life.

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