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Father Muench Says...

A time of gratitude

June 19, 2024

By Father William Muench
NCC columnist

Let’s talk about gratitude today. I know that I bring gratitude up often, but it seems that gratitude has been on my mind lately. I have been personally very grateful to God these days. For me, the perfect way of expressing my gratitude is always through the Holy Mass, the celebration of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. I am certain that you will remember that the word “Eucharist” means from the Greek, “thank you.” Each Mass that I offer is a unique opportunity for me to offer my gratitude to God for so much. Jesus did so much for me – he lived, died and rose from the dead; he saved me. I will always be grateful.

I speak of gratitude each time I celebrate the sacrament of penance – confession – with someone. I believe it is important for each person to begin celebrating this sacrament by remembering in gratitude who they are. I want them to remember that each one of us has been saved by the Lord. I want them to remember that God forgives. We must begin confession by remembering in gratitude that our God never gives up on each one of us. So, when we acknowledge our failings, our sins, we are approaching a loving, forgiving Lord. This sacrament challenges each person to change. It’s a time of conversion so that we restore our relationship with our God.

The sacrament of marriage is all about love and gratitude also. These months of spring are the times when many couples will be celebrating the anniversary of their marriage. An anniversary is a time for gratitude – gratitude to God who has called so many to the vocation of marriage, gratitude to God for bringing these two together to be married – to be a couple – and gratitude to God for leading them as they formed a loving family. These anniversaries are a time of gratitude as they remember and share their days together, whether it’s been a few years or for many years.

Now, I want to add here that many priests are celebrating their anniversary of ordination as a priest during these months of spring. Personally, I can tell you that my anniversary each year includes a time of offering gratitude to God for the joy and happiness that has been mine in this vocation. I must admit I really don’t know when I was called by the Lord. I do think of many who were certainly a part of that, and I am grateful to them all. I think of a religious sister way back in high school release-time religion class who introduced me to reading Thomas Merton. I also remember the summer I spent with Father George Whittaker as a seminarian. He became a friend. He showed me the joy of being a parish priest. I do thank him and remember him often at Mass.

As a priest, I have learned the blessing that comes when I realize the joy of being allowed to stand in the place of Jesus and bring the message of love and peace of Jesus to many. I have learned the joy as a priest of being empowered to stand at the altar and say the very same words of Jesus to consecrate bread and wine to the Body and Blood of Jesus, my savior. Each anniversary, I remember with gratitude the many assignments that I have had – all good. I remember with gratitude the many people, the many families who have been part of my ministry. I am so grateful for each experience, each opportunity in which I could serve the Lord as his priest.

So, I hope that your days are filled with gratitude. The Lord Jesus promised to be with us always to keep us alive in the Holy Spirit. So let us join together as we gratefully turn to our God and do all we can to make our world a better place.

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