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Father Muench Says...

‘A perfect delight’

June 26, 2024

By Father William Muench
NCC columnist

In a recent Sunday Gospel, Jesus expressed joy at the beauty of nature. You and I are blessed living here in the Diocese of Ogdensburg. This is a wonderfully beautiful part of the State of New York. Today, I am thinking of how blessed I am to be a priest who serves and ministers in this Diocese of Ogdensburg.

This is planting time in our farms up here in the North Country. One of the miracles that dazzles me each year is to watch the newly seeded fields as the crops gently and gradually grow. Then as the weeks go by, the fields become jam packed with corn stalks or some other crop. Nature knows exactly what to do. To this city boy, it is still truly miraculous.

In addition, at this time of year, I love to see the flowers popping up all around, planted to decorate the yards around all the homes. It is such a gorgeous process. Personally, I often receive a packet of seeds in the mail in a friend’s letter – like wildflower seeds. Without a plan, I just find some empty spaces around the yard – spread the seeds – then nature takes over – and up come the unique blossoms.

I discovered the North Country as a young kid. I was a Boy Scout, and we hiked and camped in the Adirondacks. Then I became a priest and was assigned to the Diocese of Ogdensburg. I was able to continue to enjoy the beauty of the Adirondacks always nearby. After all these years, I have continued to love the beauty of the mountains and have continued to wander through the Adirondacks. God has been very good to me.

Early on, my priest friends introduced me to downhill skiing. I was able to enjoy the mountains skiing with my friends. I must admit to you that I really enjoyed skiing – especially in the Adirondacks. What a glorious way to enjoy the mountains – skiing in the Adirondacks and spending time with my friends. Thank you, God.

This diocese is such a great place. As a priest and a pastor, I have lived in such beautiful places. Many of my parishes were right on gorgeous lakes. I remember them all – Lake Ontario, Lake Champlain, Lake George, Chateaugay Lake, Lake Brantingham, Saranac Lake, Lake Placid – I am certain there were many others.

And, oh yes, there were rivers, too. As a seminarian, I studied on the shores of the St. Lawrence River. Then, as a priest, I served near that magnificent river. Over the years I have played golf near all sorts of water ways of this diocese. In fact, I know well that I have lost many golf balls in the rivers, the lakes, the creeks, the ponds of the North Country, and I have enjoyed every minute of it.

So, you see, for all these years of my priesthood, I have been rather blessed the Diocese of Ogdensburg has been my home. I know almost every inch of it. I have loved every year of my priestly ministry up here with all of you folks. This has been my vocation. The Lord called me to become a priest but even more to be a priest of the Diocese of Ogdensburg.

Recently, a friend gave me a book that he discovered written by Father John Talbot Smith. It was written a long time ago – like the early 1900s – about the early history of the Diocese of Ogdensburg. I simply love his description of our diocese: “At all seasons of the year the natural beauties of the territory are more varied and striking than pen can describe. The mountain lakes and charming rivers, the wilderness, the mountains, the cultivated valleys and pretty towns, the soft colors or spring, the repose of summer, the gorgeousness of autumn, the stormy glories of winter, and above all the clear, beautiful, sparkling atmosphere make the region a perfect delight to those who live among them.”

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