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Archives Clinton-Northern Franklin Events

**Please note we do our best to keep the Event Calendar up to date, however if you are unsure if an event is happening, please contact the orgaization holding the event to see if it is still going on**

North Bangor – Paint and Sip Fundraiser to be held.
Date: Feb. 20
Time: 6 p.m.
Place: St. Augustine’s Parish Center
Cost: $25
Features: Painting will be an Easter shadow candle.

North Bangor - The parishes of St Augustine’s and St Mary’s are hosting a Chicken and Biscuit Dinner.
Date: March 9
Time: Noon to 3 p.m.
Place: St. Augustine’s Parish Center
Cost: $15
Menu: Chicken and biscuits, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetable, cranberry and a dessert. 

Ellenburg Center - We are pleased to announce the House of Prayer is open during the summer and fall seasons for the following regular activities. All are welcome!
Schedule: Wed., Open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with Dan Hobbs, Volunteer; 2nd Thursday of each month House open 10-2  Eve McGill and Lucy Wood will facilitate Praise & Worship 10:15-10:45, Recitation of the Holy Rosary 11-11:30, Group Sharing/Discussion 11:30-11:45, Lunch break 11:45-12:15 (please bring a bagged lunch) light refreshments provided, Soaking Prayer 12:30-1:30.  House closes at 2; Fri., Open Noon to 4 p.m. with Volunteer, Cheryl LaGree, leading Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 p.m. followed by Recitation of the Rosary; First Sat. Devotions to the Immaculate Heart of Mary beginning at 8 a.m. with Deacon Ken Lushia; Second Mon., 6 p.m. Mass followed by Board Meeting.
Features: All are welcome to attend. Is the Lord calling YOU to become involved? Come and see the House of Prayer, a quiet, simple treasure of the North Country.  Are you thinking of a private/group (7 max) overnight retreat or a day meeting (20-30 max)? Call Sarah at 518-534-9976 for more information.

Malone – St. Andre Bessette Parish to offer free community hot dinners.
Date: Every Wednesday
Time: 4 p.m. to 5
Place: St. Andre Outreach Center
Features: Food is prepared by the BOCES Culinary Arts Students.  Eat in only.

Plattsburgh – Come join our Franciscan Secular order, the Sacred Heart Fraternity.
Date: Second Sunday of the month
Time: 12:30 p.m.
Place: St. John the Baptist basement
Features: All men and women, single or married, who want to live as St. Francis and live "Gospel to Life and Life to Gospel" can become part of the Secular Franciscan Order. Join us for prayer, fellowship, and formation. In addition, we do a retreat once a year and support in some capacity an organization that helps people like a soup kitchen.
Contact: For more information call David Garrant: 518-578-8377

Plattsburgh – Adoration to be held weekly. 
Date: Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 
Time: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 
Place: St. John’s in the Holy Family Basement 
Features: Come to an out of the way place and rest awhile in Jesus' Presence. Experience His healing power, grace, love and mercy for yourselves and loved ones. Pray for the sick, suffering, vocations, our priests, country and peace in the world.  
Contact: For more information, to become a substitute or to sign up for an hour, please contact 518-563-3773. 

St. Regis Falls – All are invited to the monthly first Saturday Devotion and Holy Hour for Vocations. 
Date: First Saturday of the Month 
Time: Following the 4:30 anticipated Mass 
Place: St. Ann’s Church 
Features: Prayer after Mass, Night Prayer, Prayer for All Souls and the Holy Souls, Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, The Reparation Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary with private mediation on the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament reposed in the Tabernacle, and Prayers for the Holy Father and his intentions. 
Ellenburg Center – Our Lady of the Adirondacks House of Prayer is looking for many Volunteer “House Sitters”.  
Time: The responsibility is to arrive by 10 a.m. on your chosen day(s) and remain on premises until 4 p.m. to welcome visitors.  
Features: Lunch and snack items on hand along with tea, coffee, soda, and bottled water. Training will be provided on the history of the House of Prayer, its mission, and the various ways to carry out this gentle ministry of hospitality for those seeking time in a home of Mary to listen to our Lord, browse in the library, or visit the "Gift Shop". Flexible schedule (and hours) are fine.  
Contact: If interested in volunteering for one day a month, or week, or more, please call Sarah Anderson at 518-534-9976. 

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