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Weekly reflections from Bishop Terry R. LaValley.

2-5-25: Day of the Sick: Hope strengthens

2-5-25: Celebrating Catholic Schools

1-22-25: Changing hearts and minds

1-8-25: Update on diocesan reorganization

1-8-25: Jubilee 2025: ‘Look for hints of hope’


12-25-24: Follow Me: 'Heirs in hope of eternal life'

11-13-24: Passing our living faith to future generations

10-30-24: ‘We need a revival of prayer and action’

10-16-24: World Mission Sunday

9-11-24: 'Thank you for your witness of faithful love'

8-14-24: The bread of life

7-31-24: Bishop LaValley recalls ‘electrifying environment’ at the Eucharistic Congress

7-17-24: Celebrating 455 years of sisters’ service

7-3-24: ‘Supporting God’s gift of love and life’

6-5-24:‘Missioned to lead God’s people’

5-22-24: ‘Priestly business in this is-ness of God’

4-17-24: Update on diocesan reorganization

3-27-24: 'Be inwardly transformed'

2-21-24: ‘Thank you for being In Communion with us’

2-14-24: 'We must grow closer to Jesus'

1-24-24: 'Belivers can't be silent'

1-10-24: Update on diocesan reorganization


12-27-23: Comments on Fiducia Supplicans

12-20-23: 'A time of renewed hope and grace'

11-8-23: Creating a culture of vocations

11-1-23: ‘A recovery of a Eucharistic faith’

10-25-23: Update on diocesan reorganization case

7-26-23: Diocese files for Chapter 11 reorganization

7-19-23: Supporting the missions, the Diocese of Latakia

7-5-23: 'We have been called by name'

7-5-23: 'In harmoney with God's design'

6-7-23: ‘Don’t become focused on externals’

4-26-23: ‘Dedicated to the service of the Church’

4-12-23: Prepare our hearts for the grace of Easter joy

4-5-23: 'Make God present in this world'

3-1-23: Gather at the table with NCC

2-15-23: Lent: Your relationship with Christ, others

1-25-23: Building a culture of life

1-4-23: Hurry up and wait


12-21-22: ‘The Christmas story is our love story’

10-19-22: 'Lessons learned, blessings received'

9-21-22: ‘Taking a risk to go into the depths’

8-17-22: Celebrating 150 years

7-20-22: Celebrating grandparents and the elderly

7-6-22: Called to the joy of love

Bishop LaValley, N.Y. bishops: ‘We are blessed’

6-29-22: Celebrating the Body of Christ

6-15-22: ‘The Gifts of God’s Holy Spirit must guide’

5-4-22: Praying for mothers, vocations

4-13-22: Bishop LaValley celebrates Chrism Mass

4-13-22: ‘Inflamed with heavenly desires’

3-30-22: Turn to the Queen of Peace

3-23-22: A model of persevering faith, courage, hope

3-9-22: ‘On the Journey Together’

3-2-22: Entering Lent with 'great hope'

2-16-22: Bishop releases updated COVID protocols

1-26-22: Celebrating our Catholic schools

1-19-22: Conversion, prayer, action needed to protect life


12-22-21: Keeping room in our hearts for God, others

12-15-21: The Sunday of rejoicing

12-8-21: Religious never retire from their vows

11-3-21: Celebrating Vocations Awareness Week

10-13-21: 'A synodal Church is a church that walks together'

10-13-21:Respect Life Sunday: A 'gift of God's goodness'

10-6-21: ‘Go out to the world and teach all the nations’

9-29-21: Day of Healing and Reconciliation

8-25-21: Update on Child Victims Act lawsuits

8-11-21: Vaccine division ‘should not spill over into our pews’

7-28-21:NFP Week 2021: To Have, to Hold, to Honor

7-28-21: World Day for Grandparents, the Elderly

7-28-21: Bishop to consider apostolic letter

7-14-21: Supporting the ministry of our missionaries

6-30-21: Bishops gather for meeting, Eucharist is focus

6-23-21: Most remaining COVID restrictions lifted

6-16-21: Seeking reconciliation after ‘horrific’ discovery

6-2-21: 'Imitate Christ in His total self-giving and service'

5-26-21: Update to Mass Dispensation

5-12-21: Bishop LaValley releases new COVID protocols

5-5-21: ‘Never be afraid to live what we say we believe’

4-7-21: Bishop LaValley writes of healing and mercy

4-7-21: The eucharist will transform you and me

3-24-2021: St. Joseph taught us to offer ourselves to God

3-10-2021: Bishop issues statement on COVID vaccines

2-24-2021: 'Experience our family of faith' with the NCC

2-17-2021: ‘Lent can be a time to revive our faith’

2-10-2021: We are called to love the sick and suffering

1-27-2021: It’s urgent that we not ignore evil

1-20-2021: Promoting a Culture of Life

1-13-2021: Turning to St. Joseph during time of division

1-6-2021: Words of gratitude as we approach a new year


12-9-2020: Advent and Christmas

11-25-2020: Preparing to begin a new Liturgical Year

11-18-2020: Holy See published report on former cardinal

11-4-2020: ‘A wonder-filled adventure’

10-7-2020:COVID-19 update Revisions to protocols

10-7-2020: Living the Gospel of Life

9-16-2020: Giving witness to the Gospel

9-2-2020: Educating our youth safely

7-15-2020: Celebrating St. Kateri and return to worship

7-15-2020: Living the truth and beauty of God’s plan

7-1-2020: Graduates, you are connected to the Church

6-24-2020: ‘Those who live close to Christ impart Christ’

6-10-2020: Celebrating Religious Freedom Week

6-3-2020: The gift of Jesus’ Spirit

5-20-2020: Diocese plans for reopening

5-20-2020: Celebrating Laudato Si'

5-13-2020: A Mother's Day tribute

5-6-2020: Praying for St. Joseph’s intercession

4-22-2020: Celebrations are delayed, but prayer continues

4-15-2020: Consecrating the diocese to St. Joseph

4-8-2020: ‘Make the truth of Easter a way of life’

3-25-2020: 'Carpenter's shop became a school of the Gospel'

3-11-2020: 'Reflect on those trials that Jesus encountered'

3-4-2020: United by our faith and by our stories

2-26-2020: Called to be salt of the earth and llight of the world

2-12-2020: Mental health is an essential part of wellbeing

1-22-2020: Opportunity to support a culture of life

1-22-2020: Celebrating Sunday of the Word of God

1-15-2020: Addressing past sins while focusing on our mission


12-25-19:Feast reminds us to ‘make the first move’

12-18-19: Seek to accompany others

11-27-19: N.Y. bishops prepare for ad limina pilgrimage

11-6-19: N.Y. bishops prepare for ad limina pilgrimage

10-16-19: Baptized & Sent: Extraordinary Mission month

10-9-19: Listening to God in our consciences

10-9-19: Reflections on Rosarium Virginis Mariae

10-2-19: Women and men in blue, God loves you

9-18-19: Celebrating marriage, consecrated life jubilees

8-28-19: Legislation gives abuse victims new option

8-14-19: Congratulations and prayers go out to Bishop Lucia

7-31-19: NFP: Cooperating with God's design

7-17-19: Solemn Vespers for the Blessing and Commissioning of Lay Pastoral Ministers

7-3-19: Bishops strenthen efforts to eliminate abuse

6-5-19: Time with those who make ‘schools of prayer’

5-8-19: Day of Prayer for Vocations and Mother's Day

4-17-19: ‘All time belongs to Him’

3-20-19: Celebrating the Feast of St. Joseph

3-13-19: Sharing stories and keeping us connected

3-6-19: Cultivate a relationship with Christ this Lent

2-6-19: Don’t let faith be whittled out of public sphere

1-16-19: Retreat was time to reflect, pray; time of hope


12-19-18: Emmanuel: God is with you!

11-28-18: Many graces found in busy October and November

10-31-18: Letter from Bishop LaValley

10-17-18: Stengthening Faith Formation in Family Life

10-10-18: God accomplishes His good through our varied talents

9-19-18: 'You will pray for those who do not pray'

9-12-18: Catechists are critical in evangelization

8-29-18: Scandal has hurt the Body of Christ

7-18-18: Celebrating ‘Generations of Love’

6-6-18: Draw close to the Lord and to one another

5-30-18: Retirement marks the end of a dynasty

5-9-18: Ministry beyond the comfort zone

3-28-18: ‘No one is exempt from God’s call to be holy’

3-21-18: The protection of St. Joseph

3-7-18: IRCP is ' sign of our need for God's mercy'

3-7-18: Rite of Election

2-21-18: It's time to renew

2-14-18: Lent summons us to come back to the Lord

1-24-18: Building a culture of life

1-3-18: From Ogdensburg to Latakia


12-20-17: Gift of love...promise of peace

11-22-17: We are called to transform the world

11-15-17: The World Day of the Poor

11-1-17: Diocese is Consecrated

10-18-17: 'We need you'

10-11-17: The Lord always provides

9-27-17: In celebration of married love

8-30-17: Let there be peace on earth

8-30-17: A place where fun and faith merge

7-19-17: Say 'yes' to God's plan for married love

7-19-17: The Joy of the Gospel in America

7-5-17: ‘Roll up your sleeves… there’s plenty to do’

6-21-17: A one-hundred-year-old love story

6-14-17: Extraordinary adventure of love

5-31-17: Whisperers of God

5-17-17: Called to holiness... as a bishop

4-19-17: Let us joyfully celebrate Christ’s victory

4-12-17: Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

4-12-17: Solidarity in Faith

3-29-17: Showing love to the stranger

3-22-17: What is God whispering to you?

3-8-17: On a journey of faith

3-1-17: Return to the Lord wholeheartedly

2-22-17: Welcoming the stranger

2-8-17: The World Day of the Sick

2-1-17: Faith, knowledge, service

1-4-17: What will we bring to the New Year?


12-23-16: Bishop offers wishes for a blessed Christmas

11-23-16:‘We thank God for this graced Year of Mercy’

11-9-16: In gratitude for our ‘guardian angels’

10-26-16: Faith: the deciding factor when I vote

10-12-16: ‘We must walk the talk of our faith’

10-5-16: ‘The Holy Spirit had a field day’

9-21-16: We believe in miracles

9-7-16: Summertime and the livin’ is.... busy!

8-31-16: Building Parishes with Living Stones

7-20-16: To be instruments of God’s peace

6-22-16: Stop, look, listen... and do something

6-1-16: Be effective... gentle...constant

5-25-16: ‘We thank God for the gift of one another’

5-4-16: A personal, joyfilled encounter

4-6-16: A day of great joy for the diocese

3-30-16: St. Joseph: a man of mercy

3-23-16: Jubilee of Mercy Easter 2016

3-23-16: ‘Just be serene and trust in God’

2-17-16:It's time to renew your North Country Catholic Subscription

2-17-16: A privileged moment

2-10-16: Lent 2016: Christ-led, Christ-fed, Hope-filled

2-3-16: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service

1-20-16: Christian unity


12-23-15: Follow Me: Door of Mercy is opened

12-23-15: Christmas: Festival of God's
Infinite Love

12-16-15: ‘I was in prison and you visited me’

12-9-15: GNSH: their focus is ‘ever on Christ’

12-2-15: Jubilee of Mercy

11-4-15: ‘Let us pray for our priests every day’

10-21-15: Every Life is Worth Living

10-7-15: Happy Coincidence? Blessed Providence!

9-23-15: ‘Your prayer-filled life challenges the world’

9-16-15: The Family Fully Alive

9-9-15: Youth ministry: reasons to say thanks

9-2-15: Laudato Si’

8-19-15: Have a great school year, everybody!

8-5-15: ‘Praise be’ for the new encyclical

7-22-15: NFP: good for the body, great for the soul

7-8-15: ‘Protecting marriage matters to everyone’

6-24-15: Creating a culture of vocations

6-10-15: The Feast of Corpus Christi

5-6-15: Homily for the Youth Rally Mass

4-15-15: The Diocesan Census
Find Your Home in Christ... neighbor to neighbor

4-1-15: At the Chrism Mass

3-25-15: 'Keep our Fort Drum strong'

3-11-15: Diocesan public advocacy efforts

3-4-15: At the Rite of Election

2-25-15: ‘Please welcome the NCC into your home’

2-18-15: Where is Jesus leading me this Lent?

1-28-15: Happy Catholic Schools Week

1-14-15: Respect for life and faith formation

1-7-15: Following the message of the Epiphany


12-24-14: Where faith has its deepest roots

11-19-14: Building parishes with living stones

10-15-14: Homily for the Religious Jubilee

10-8-14: A mission of prayer and love

9-24-14: 'Thank you for your witness of faithful love'

9-17-14: Loving support...courageous resolve

8-27-14: As school doors open for another year...

7-30-14: We celebrate your ‘yes’ to the Lord

6-18-14: Creating a culture of vocations

5-21-14: Reaching out with the arms of Christ

4-2-14: ‘This is a new moment in the life of the Church’

3-19-14: A celebration of St. Joseph

3-12-14:Treasured companions on life’s journey

3-5-14: 'May the flame of faith be stirred'

2-26-14: Many faces of pastoral ministry - 'the future'

2-19-14: The many faces of pastoral ministry – 'today'

2-12-14: The many faces of pastoral ministry – ‘the past’

1-29-14: It's Catholic Schools Week!

1-22-14: Going Without

1-1-14: Celebrating Mary as the Mother of God


12-25-13: What Christmas means: God is with us!

12-11-13: From Year of Faith to Life of Faith

11-27-13: May we live our faith with vigor

10-23-13: Living with a spirit of gratitude

10-16-13: Servant leaders in the footsteps of Christ

9-25-13: 'Do you believe in miracles?'

9-11-13: Let us all be peacemakers

8-28-13: Graced moments spent with young people

8-14-13: The exciting days of summer

7-17-13: 'I send you out for active discipleship'

7-3-13: Fornight for Freedom

6-19-13: Corpus Christi celebration

6-5-13: "What a gift you are to the Church"

3-27-13: The Chrism Mass

3-20-13: St. Joseph and SSJs: generous in trusting God

3-13-13: 'How do you say 'thank you' for such selfless giving'

3-6-13: Promoting a culture of life in face of gun tragedies

2-20-13: Year of Faith and the NCC

2-13-13: The grace of Lent in this Year of Faith

2-6-13: World Day of the Sick

1-30-13: It's Catholic Schools Week

1-23-13: On the march for life

1-9-13: 'To cultivate peace, protect creation'


12-19-12: Peace is God's Gift to us

11-28-12: 'Today we honor witnesses of faith'

10-10-12: Respect life...now and at the hour of our death

9-5-12: Safeguards and transparency, Important measures in the financial operations of the church

8-1-12: Following God's plan for marriage

6-6-12: Fortnight of Freedom

A day of great gladness

Be still and listen for God's call

'I a humbled by this remarkable sign of support'

The 'Day of the Lord' is our day too - Easter 2012

2012 Holy Week

In Celebration of Catholic Schools Week

The Feast of the Epiphany


You are the reason for the season (Jesus is the gift)

Christmas blessings from Bishop LaValley

Powerful and inspiring moments in Rome

Ad limina Apostolarum

We thank God for our farmers

New English translation of the Mass

A time to re-affirm love and support for our shepherds

Marriage Jubilee

Thank God that in our land the flag waves freely

Labor Day 2011

The beauty of church teaching on spousal love

Playing - and winning - on God's team

Special message for lay ministers

Blessed day for the Church of Ogdensburg!

Changing the World

We’re all called to be vocation directors!

A divine drama of love in motion

A sign of life and salvation, Chrism Mass

Because We Care, Keeping Our Promise to Protect

Bishop shares a message for students

Blessed day for the Church of Ogdensburg

Bishop urges every Catholic family to welcome the North Country Catholic into their home.

Lent: a time to learn, live, celebrate Catholic faith

Thermostat or Thermometer?

Catholic Schools - A+ for America

Mass Offerings

World Day of the Sick

Building a Culture of Life

A Blessed New Year

Family.... Become What You Are.

Journey Through the Diocese

Our Catholic Schools

Bishop LaValley shares a message for 2010 graduates

Bishop LaValley reflects on the closing of the
"graced Year for Priests"

It was Tuesday, February 9th, another typical day of ministry at the cathedral and diocesan offices in Ogdensburg.  I had been a bit antsy of late, wondering if I would receive word soon about the appointment of our new bishop.  Hardly a day would go by without either a parishioner, coworker or a family member asking:  “Have you heard yet?”  It had been almost nine months since Bishop Cunningham had assumed his new responsibilities in Syracuse and we were still bishop-less.  It was about 10am when the phone rang. Read More...


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